First draft on the new global framework for managing nature through 2030

The Secretariat of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released the first draft of a new global biodiversity framework, to guide actions worldwide through 2030, to preserve and protect nature and its essential services to people.


Arriving following over two years of development, the draft framework will undergo further refinement during online negotiations in late summer 2021 before being presented for consideration at CBD’s next meeting of its 196 Parties at COP-15, in Kunming (China).

A new global framework for managing nature through 2030

The Framework comprises 21 targets and 10 ‘milestones’ proposed for 2030, en route to ‘living in harmony with nature’ by 2050. Key targets include:

What is the framework?

The post-2020 global biodiversity framework builds on the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and sets out an ambitious plan to implement broad-based action to bring about a transformation in society’s relationship with biodiversity, ensuring that by 2050 the shared vision of ‘living in harmony with nature’ is fulfilled.


The draft framework reflects input from the second meeting of a working group managing the development of the framework, as well as submissions received.  The draft will be further updated in late summer with the benefit of input from the 24th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the 3rd meeting of the Subsidiary Body in Implementation, as well as the advice from thematic consultations.

Theory of change

The framework’s theory of change assumes that transformative actions are taken to deploy solutions to reduce threats to biodiversity. Actions should ensure that biodiversity is used sustainably in order to meet people’s needs.


It aims to ensure progress is monitored in a transparent and accountable manner with adequate stocktaking exercises to ensure that, by 2030, the world is on a path to reach the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity.


The theory of change is complementary to and supportive of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also takes into account the long-term strategies and targets of other multilateral environment agreements, including the biodiversity-related Rio Conventions, to ensure synergistic delivery of benefits from all the agreements for the planet and people.

Partnerships and implementation

The framework is built upon the recognition that its implementation will be done in partnership with many organizations at the global, national and local levels to leverage ways to build a momentum for success. Its implementation will take a rights-based approach, recognizing the principle of intergenerational equity.


Further, the framework’s theory of change acknowledges that its implementation will require the engagement of actors beyond governments to include, among others:


Read on at CDB

Download the first draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

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