If your business strategy is designed from the point of view of sustainability and aims to manage and reduce risks and impacts on natural capital, being a member of the Natural Capital Factory could be highly supportive in this regard.
To have access to exclusive training and events with sustainability, biodiversity and natural capital experts.
Participation in European decision-making working groups.
Participation in international networks and initiatives linked to the Natural Capital Coalition and the European Commission Business @ Biodiversity initiative.
To support and disseminate high impact and prestigious events related to sustainability at national and internacional level.
Key training on Natural Capital Protocol application.
Being part of a Sector Group according to your business activity where to present and know cases study of peer national and international organisations.
Collaboration in the development of an evidence base and reference material for future works or projects related to innovative instruments to support businesses.
Members of this initiative will benefit from the actions designed in the Communication Plan.
To have access to consulting and advisory services -external and independent-.
Other advantages
Contact with other professionals and companies.
To have access to a wide diversity of opinions, ideas, knowledge and information than can be an important source of inspiration.
To have access to solutions that can be useful to solve current and potential problems.
Being linked to natural capital international movement and brand is synonymous with a front runner and responsible business, concerned about the impact of its activities on society and nature. This approach will ensure a positive public image and reputation before investors and the rest of your stakeholders.
Voluntary and free
Joining the platform is voluntary and free.
Given the collaborative spirit of the platform member organisations may be given the opportunity to contribute to facilitate the appropriate development of meetings, events, works and initiatives promoted by the Natural Capital Factory either through in-kind or pro bono support, or financially, according to their interests.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Natural Capital Factory, please complete this form and send it to info@naturalcapitalfactory.com