Webinar: Assessing appropriate legal structures for investing in natural capital

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The “Investing in Nature” series, organised jointly by the EU Business & Biodiversity Platform and EIB will conclude with a webinar on “Assessing appropriate legal structures for investing in natural capital”. This session will be held on 14 October (15:00-16:15 CET).


This webinar series aims to help participants to better understand and overcome barriers to investing in nature, and thereby facilitate investment in natural capital and biodiversity-related projects and innovations. It is in particular targeted at project developers (public and private businesses, cities or municipalities) but will also benefit non-governmental organisations, consultancy companies and individuals seeking to increase their practical knowledge in the field.


This webinar will draw from the EIB’s recent publication Investing in Nature”: financing conservation and nature-based solutions, which provides a practical guide on how to put together investment propositions.


The webinar series has so far covered the fundamentals of financing investments in natural capital, explored the business models, provided guidance on how to prepare financial and commercial viability of a project and outlined the different types of financing, based on the experience of EIB and other investors and businesses themselves.



For more information and registration details, please click on the following link.

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