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The European Commission’s DG R&I and DG ENV and BiodivERsA are setting-up a European co-funded Partnership focussed on Rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth. Acting as an overarching platform and connecting national, local and European Research & Innovation programs this Partnership aims at achieving the following five objectives:
- Improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe.
- Generate science-based, actionable knowledge to tackle the biodiversity crisis and the drivers of biodiversity loss.
- Reinforce the evidence base for the development, deployment and assessment of tools such as Nature-based solutions.
- Make the business case for biodiversity.
- Ensure efficient science-based support for biodiversity policy making in Europe.
To meet these objectives, the Partnership will implement a broad range of activities, divided into four working areas plus two transversal working areas. It will gather research ministries, environment ministries, research funding organisations, foundations and environmental protection agencies.
This Partnership will coordinate research programmes between EU and its Member States and Associated Countries and trigger combined action, mobilising for the first time environmental authorities as key partners for implementing biodiversity research and innovation, along with ministries of research, funding agencies, and environmental protection agencies… It will implement an ambitious programme contributing to the objective that by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature. The Partnership will thus put R&I at the heart of the implementation of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy seeking to reverse biodiversity loss by increasing knowledge on biodiversity dynamics, reinforcing biodiversity monitoring across Europe, developing Nature-based Solutions and providing science support to policy.
Engaging with a broad range of stakeholders will also be a priority for the Partnership. Stakeholders will participate to its governance through an Advisory board and an enlarged stakeholder board and contribute, together with the full members of the Partnership, to the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
To promote a clear and transparent process in the creation of this partnership, the European Commission’s DG R&I and DG ENV and BiodivERsA have announced an open consultation that will run between 4-22 January 2021 to review of the draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the European co-funded Partnership ‘Rescuing Biodiversity to Safeguard Life on Earth’. This will ensure a wide range of views in the field of biodiversity, Nature-based solutions and ecosystem services to be covered.
This Partnership will coordinate research programmes between EU and its Member States and Associated Countries and trigger combined action, mobilising for the first time environmental authorities as key partners for implementing biodiversity research and innovation, along with ministries of research, funding agencies, and environmental protection agencies… It will implement an ambitious programme contributing to the objective that by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature. The Partnership will thus put R&I at the heart of the implementation of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy seeking to reverse biodiversity loss by increasing knowledge on biodiversity dynamics, reinforcing biodiversity monitoring across Europe, developing Nature-based Solutions and providing science support to policy.
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