Our value report

The Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision-making, has launched its first annual update that presents the aspirations, successes and lessons learnt from this 2020. Called Our Value Report 2020, the document is intended for readers who are new to the Capitals Coalition and looking for an introduction to their strategy and progress. It will also be useful to other stakeholders who are more familiar with their work and want an annual update.


Among the progress highlighted in the report, it is underscored that there are already 10 capital hubs around the world. Among them, the Natural Capital Factory, the Spanish hub, along with the Australian, Brazilian, Colombian, Emirati, Scottish, American, Dutch, Mexican, West African and South African.


The information in this first report is qualitative and subjective. It offers a foundation for subsequent, more integrated reporting in the coming years as the organization grows. In future years, they intend to introduce more quantitative measures of progress such as KPIs and targets.

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