Healt cost of air pollution in European cities and linkage to transport
The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) has published a study analyzing data from 2018 of 432 cities in 30 countries (EU plus the UK, Norway and Switzerland, with total population of 130 million inhabitants) about the health-related social costs of air pollution. The document reveals that, on average every inhabitant of a European city suffered a welfare loss of € 1,276 a year owing to direct and indirect health losses associated with poor air quality. This is equivalent to 3.9% of income earned in cities. The analysis is based in numerous studies performed by environmental economists to quantify the impacts of air pollution on health and monetize these as social costs. These studies were used to develop the methodological framework, which encompasses 16 health impacts attributable to air pollution by fine particulate matter, ozone and nitrogen oxides. El análisis se basa en numerosos estudios realizados por economistas ambientales para cuantificar los impactos de la contaminación del aire en la salud y monetizarlos como costes sociales. Estos estudios se utilizaron para desarrollar el marco metodológico que abarca 16 impactos en la salud atribuibles a la contaminación del aire por partículas finas, ozono y nitrógeno.
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