Aligning global finance with nature’s needs: a framework for systemic change

Aligning Global Finance with Nature’s Needs: A Framework for Systemic Change

What would it take to align finance with nature? Complex, dynamic systems change through nudges, experimentation and iteration linked to rapid learning. But understanding that we need to transition along uncertain pathways should not become an excuse for degenerating into small-scale pilots and incremental actions in practice. Interventions that can drive more rapid, systemic change are possible. This report by Finance 4 Biodiversity initiative (F4B) -established in 2019 to increase the materiality of biodiversity in financial decision-making- sets a framework made up of six core elements, that would result in global financial flows being consistent with the protection and restoration of biodiversity, along with specific recommendations for each:

Without these changes, the financial system will remain a keystone part of the problem.

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