A Business Guide to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

A Business Guide to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

Business for Nature Coalition has created "A Business Guide to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity" to help businesses understand a bit more about the UN CBD. The document explains why this particular meeting (COP15) is so important, why it’s relevant for business and how businesses can engage. As was the case for the Paris Agreement on climate change, an ambitious, clear and implementable international agreement at COP15 will ensure that the nature agenda is raised to the highest political level. This guide addresses the key elements for the post-2020 framework for businesses, including: Tal y como sucedió con el Acuerdo de París sobre cambio climático, un acuerdo internacional ambicioso, claro e implementable, la COP15 garantizará que la agenda de la naturaleza se eleve al más alto nivel político. Esta guía recoge los elementos clave del nuevo marco global sobre la biodiversidad pos2020, entre los que se cuentan:

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