Demonstrating economic benefits generated by protected areas is often pointed out as pivotal for supporting decision-making. We argue in this paper that the concept of ecosystem services (ES), defined as the benefits humans derive from ecosystems, provides a consistent framework to approach this issue as...

Montado is a savannah-like cultural landscape characteristic of the western Iberian Peninsula that is of high ecological and socio-economic value. Montado sites provide a multitude of services including materials (mostly valuable cork), food for free-ranging livestock, agricultural products, game, and tourism. Several stakeholders operate at...

Recreation is a major ecosystem service and an important co-benefit of nature conservation. The recreational value of National Parks (NPs) can be a strong argument in favour of allocating resources for preserving and creating NPs worldwide. Managing NPs to optimize recreational services can therefore indirectly...

The national literature on forest ecosystem valuation is scarce and little is known about how important the valuation of forest ecosystem services and their internalization in low density regions of Portugal are. Hence, there is a need for technicians, academics, and researchers to mitigate this...

This work aims to measure and value the ecosystem services of grasslands and croplands covered by pasture-based beef farms in Alentejo. It combines pixel-level data from the Portuguese Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services study and farm-level data from 40 farms. Five ecosystem services were...

This study estimates the economic value of seven land based ecosystem services for mainland Portugal in 2018. The estimated services are Climate Regulation, Drought Regulation, Erosion Prevention, using the market price methodology, and Food Supply, Pollination, Recreation and Water Purification using a meta-analytic benefit transfer...

The review of valuation methods conducted by the FOREST EUROPE Expert Group was devoted especially to methods of economic valuation of ecosystem services. Economic valuation of forest ecosystem services usually relies on one of the three above mentioned approaches. Some of the respective methods rely...

" The ecosystems of the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain) provide numerous ecosystem services to society. The most important ecosystem services were valued through a market-based approach, revealed-preference and stated-preference methods to assess the conservation effectiveness of the Doñana Protected Area, with consideration of existing human...

The present meta-analysis compiles 158 primary studies, originating from Europe and dated between 2000 and 2017, of which 30 provided relevant information for a statistical meta-analysis, yielding 71 value observations on benefit transfer approaches used in the past to provide value transfers of forest ecosystem...

This report assesses and accounts for four ecosystem services (ES): crop provision, timber provision, global climate regulation, and flood control. The methodology applied for the accounts of each ecosystem service depends on the nature of the service and on data availability. Crop provision account is...